Restaurant Bierlialp

Restaurant Bierlialp

Dorfstrasse 21, 6390 Engelberg, Switzerland
1201 Bewertungen 3.5

"Schneller und angenehmer Service und eine Pizza während des ganzen Nachmittages möglich. Man kann seiner Pizza-Lust auch ausserhalb der normalen Essenszeiten frönen."


Telefon: +41416371717

Adresse: Dorfstrasse 21, 6390 Engelberg, Switzerland

Stadt: Engelberg



Montag: 09:00-23:45

Dienstag: 09:00-23:45

Mittwoch: 09:00-23:45

Donnerstag: 09:00-23:45

Freitag: 09:00-23:45

Samstag: 09:00-23:45

Sonntag: 09:00-23:45


Gerichte: 36

Ausstattung: 24

Kategorien: 5

Bewertungen: 1201


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1 /5 Bewertung

Nice decor, food was ok. Very over priced. For the price they charge you think they would give you some bread/rolls on the table. $50 entree doesn't include a salad... We ordered a bottle of wine by pointing to it on the menu. (Menu was in German) Waitress brought us a much more expensive bottle that we were surprised with when we got the check. After eating she cleared some of the dirty plates and we sat there for 30 minutes wanting coffee and dessert. After getting her attention she cleaned off the rest of the table and vanished again. We decided to skip coffee and dessert and ask for the check. That's when were got the surprise of the more expensive wine along with mark up to Euros. All of the prices were listed in Francs, but they charge you in Euros at the price listed for Francs. I told the waitress that was not fair and we were not happy with the deception. She didn't care. Also, salad bar had bugs flying around it. Skip anything with shrimp... it smelled and tasted terrible.

4 /5 Bewertung

Ein Mittagessen im schattigen Garten des uns von früheren Besuchen bekannten Lokals war unser Wunsch. Rasch wurde uns ein Tisch zugewiesen, zuvorkommend nahm die freundliche Kellnerin unsere Bestellung auf. Die Pizza-Auswahl sprach alle am Tisch an. Mit dünnem knusperigem Teig und frischem Belag kamen die grossen Pizze aus dem Holzofen - ein Genuss. Fazit: bei der inflationären Häufung von Pizzaöfen landauf, landab, ist hier italienisch speisen kein leeres Versprechen.

5 /5 Bewertung

Ate here with a group of 28 hungry people. I'm lactose intolerant so no fondue for me, thank you. Raves from the folks who love the stuff. Service was excellent. I was served the most tender grilled chicken with a medley of steamed perfect veggies. So colorful, it cried out for a photo. You can go wrong here. The wine list is ample, and the local beer is nice and cold.

5 /5 Bewertung

We went here for our dinner last night. I ordered tagliatelle and my husband had rib eye steak as main courses. Heˊs a steak lover and said itˊs steak was outstanding with reasonable price! My tagliatelle was delicious too! A cozy and delicious dinner!

4 /5 Bewertung

Schneller und angenehmer Service und eine Pizza während des ganzen Nachmittages möglich. Man kann seiner Pizza-Lust auch ausserhalb der normalen Essenszeiten frönen.