Gasthof Stern Tisch reservieren

Hauptstrasse 34, Burs 6706, Austria, Buers
6 Bewertungen 4

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Die durchschnittliche Bewertung von 4 zeigt, dass die Kunden bisher gut zufrieden waren.

Über Gasthof Stern

Jetzt bei Gasthof Stern einen Tisch reservieren
Für dieses Restaurant liegen uns leider aktuell keine Öffnungszeiten vor




1 /5 Bewertung

It's not possible to eat here. They sold the cabin and they're gonna make it apartments for rentals. So you need to find something else.

5 /5 Bewertung

For the second time, we were on fire on vacation, and because we were disappointed in the restaurants a few times, but at least, and we went to dinner at the hosty stars. The advantage is she's covering up an overhead. Terrace have some kind of serre that can always eat more or less and still be dry in a mental atmosphere. My wife ate the gordon blue and I spy myself the gypsy with fries and consistent mixed salad and a fresh radler. A friendly smooth service and so satisfied that sometime later on the holidays went back.

4 /5 Bewertung

A quaint little guesthouse nestled in the beautiful village of Burs. The food was fresh and lovely and the breakfast eggs were the best I have ever eaten, orange and so fresh. A great little friendly bar and such great service. A nice, intimate place to be with stunning views of the glorious mountains. 86 euros a night for this is pretty good!

4 /5 Bewertung

In a coincidence, we ended up in this restaurant after shopping in Zimbapark, it's got on a public bar and a split-up for our own guests and guests from the outside like we do. We ate deliciously for an attractive prize, vital and smooth service and a cozy eastern atmosphere in the study where we were, decided to reappear.

4 /5 Bewertung

a scenic little pension in the beautiful village burs. the food was fresh and beautiful and the breakfast eggs were the best I ever had, orange and so fresh. a great little friendly bar and so a great service. a beautiful, intimate place to be with a breathtaking view of the magnificent mountains. euro per night for this is pretty good!