Qin Wenwen Tisch reservieren

Shopping City Seiersberg 5, 8055 Seiersberg-Pirka, Austria
15 Bewertungen 3.5

Sichere dir deinen Tisch im Qin Wenwen, das sich auf Shopping City Seiersberg 5, 8055 Seiersberg-Pirka, Austria befindet, mit nur wenigen Klicks auf unserer Reservierungsseite. Begib dich auf eine kulinarische Reise und genieße appetitliche Gerichte. Für einen gesicherten Platz, wähle +43316241616.

Über Qin Wenwen

Jetzt bei Qin Wenwen einen Tisch reservieren
Für dieses Restaurant liegen uns leider aktuell keine Öffnungszeiten vor




4 /5 Bewertung

We stopped here for a quick bite to eat on one of our shopping trips. Overall the food came quick and was decent quality. Nothing great or memorable as you would expect in a shopping mall but definitely worth a visit for a quick meal whilst out shopping .

2 /5 Bewertung

We try the sushi on 20/Dec and it's okay.So that we want to go there again since we can't find another Japanese food near our hotel. However, when we went there again on next day and the staff(women at sushi bar) was very impolite and don't want to serve us. We dont eat at here finally due to that women was so rude. She give us very bad feeling when traveling in Graz. I hope she or her boss can this post and comment and review of it.在壽司bar收銀和點菜的那個女服務員態度非常的差。沒有英文菜單之餘,還跟我用普通話說叫我自己看德文的菜單。最後因為他非常沒有禮貌的舉動,我和太太決定離開及選擇另一間餐廳用餐。

2 /5 Bewertung

We try the sushi on 20/Dec and it's okay. So that we want to go there again since we can't find another Japanese food near our hotel. However, when we went there again on next day and the staff(women at sushi bar) was very impolite and don't want to serve us. We dont eat at here finally due to that women was so rude. She give us very bad feeling when traveling in Graz. I hope she or her boss can this post and comment and review of it. 在壽司bar收銀和點菜的那個女服務員態度非常的差。沒有英文菜單之餘,還跟我用普通話說叫我自己看德文的菜單。最後因為他非常沒有禮貌的舉動,我和太太決定離開及選擇另一間餐廳用餐。