Waggon 31 Tisch reservieren

Wiener Riesenradplatz 2/4, Vienna 1022, Austria
17 Bewertungen 3.5

Besuche unsere Reservierungsseite, um einen Tisch im Waggon 31 zu reservieren, das du unter Wiener Riesenradplatz 2/4, Vienna 1022, Austria findest. Verpasse nicht die Chance, die unglaublichen kulinarischen Kreationen zu genießen. Ein Anruf bei reicht für die Reservierung.

Über Waggon 31

Jetzt bei Waggon 31 einen Tisch reservieren
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3 /5 Bewertung

Im Vorbeigehen am Riesenrad am Waggon 31 etwas trinken und essen. Dann kann der Spaß weiter gehen. Zu empfehlen

4 /5 Bewertung

I often stop here for an ice cream after wandering/jogging through The Prater. They usually have quite a large range of flavours to choose from and they are generous with their scoop sizes.

5 /5 Bewertung

Sehr leckeres Eis in vielen Geschmacksrichtungen. Außer den klassischen Sorten gibt es eine Menge ausgefallener Geschmacksrichtungen

5 /5 Bewertung

I was invited to a closed buffet party. It is next to the Riesenrad a few steps up and is rather a large place, on this occasion there were only a few tables as well as high tables to consume your food standing, the view is right to see the Prater and there is also a kind of a bridge one could have a good look in the fresh air.Waitresses came round with drinks and the buffet was rather good with all the usual things like cold meats as well as some hot food, apple strudel, salads, bread, cheeses among others.Coming in there is a cloakroom and I rather enjoyed it, on the day I visited it was the Blumen Korso a bit like the Battle of the Flowers in Jersey with less flowers of course.

2 /5 Bewertung

Für die kurze Prater-Pause passt es ganz gut. Gutes Eis aber leider ist der Service eine Katastrophe. Unfreundlich, genervt und definitiv nicht vom Fach. Unserer Kellnerin ist beinahe jedes Mal das Zigarettenpackerl aus der Brusttasche gefallen als sie uns bediente... Hier ist wohl nicht bekannt dass der Kunde im Endeffekt die Löhne zahlt...aber egal. Am Prater kann man dich ja (fast) alles erlauben!

5 /5 Bewertung

wondered where I was with the ferris wheel. Food was well-prepared, staff was excellent and my wine glass was never empty.

4 /5 Bewertung

The restaurant in the Prater Park Zone. It's delicious snacks to beer and at prices, like, snooping. It'll be enough to starve while the park is being moved!

5 /5 Bewertung

Just a little bit from the spectacle of the sight, there's a tavern in the park with a real Austrian beer and a humble but delicious menu. This time, I traveled one time (not the first time in Vienna) and despite October, the weather was warmed up by 28-29, so the holdenring walks were postponed for the afternoon and I went to the park on the other side of the river. Up above the city to the height of a bird's flight, with a carousel, not a shower wheel booth (which I very much advise everyone to visit the night when Vienna plays all its fires), I was slightly refreshed by the pleasant wind of the carousel and fell down on the ground, thinking about lunch. So, I was 100 metres from the carousel, and there was a tavern where the locals were clearly sitting and drinking beer. When I met the menu, I decided not to take the meat or the Babian sausages and stopped my choice on a chicken with a dark beer. How surprised was my surprise when I got a whole chicken in the tobacco on a huge plate, where they decided to add salads from the bow, cucumbers and tomatoes and a plate smaller, as the waiter explained to me. To say it was delicious, not to say anything. It was one of the best ways to make chicken, in my life! He was really in his mouth, and I didn't see myself swallowing the last piece together with the bone) Beer's a little bit more than that. The service is very operational. Waiters, of course, speak German only. But there's a menu in English! It's possible to have a very large room with a huge bar bar! Tuilets inside the main hall, which is a passageway and has two entrances from different park lines. All the luck! The price is like local.