Hotel-Metzgerwirt Tisch reservieren

Hauptstraße 22, 9545 Radenthein, Austria
94 Bewertungen 4.5

Sichern Sie sich Ihren Tisch im Hotel-Metzgerwirt, das sich auf Hauptstraße 22, 9545 Radenthein, Austria befindet, ganz einfach über die Reservierungsseite. Reserviere jetzt und genieße verlockende Gerichte. Reservierungen sind nur einen Anruf entfernt bei +43424620520.

Über Hotel-Metzgerwirt

Jetzt bei Hotel-Metzgerwirt einen Tisch reservieren

Montag 07:00 - 22:00

Dienstag 07:00 - 22:00

Freitag 07:00 - 22:00

Samstag 07:00 - 22:00

Sonntag 07:00 - 22:00




2 /5 Bewertung

We were glad that we found a restaurant in the area that was open. Dinner was good but we were initially the only guests. It was very quiet and silent. We would not go back there. The staff however, was friendly

5 /5 Bewertung

Eating some delicious veal schnitzel as we speak! The atmosphere is quiet and the food is authentic. A perfect way to experience local food while on a business trip.

4 /5 Bewertung

This restaurant has a good reputation, and the atmosphere and service are very nice. The kitchen is Austrian and the quality and preparation is good. However it is not great, and we would not go back. There are better places for food in the area, although the service is very friendly and atmosphere is very good. The prices are standard for the offer.

2 /5 Bewertung

we were glad we found a restaurant in the opposite that was open. the dinner was good, but we were the only guests. it was very quiet and quiet. we wouldn't go back there. the personal was friendly

5 /5 Bewertung

eat some delicious calves carvings as we speak! the atmosphere is calm and eating is authentic. a perfect way to experience local eating during a business trip.

4 /5 Bewertung

this restaurant has a good call, and the atmosphere and service are very nice. the kitchen is Austrian and the quality and preparation is good. it is not great, however, and we would not go back. there are better places for eating in the area,... although the service is very friendly and atmosphere is very good. the prices are standard for the offer.